Wild Dream on an Ordinary Day

The other day, I fell asleep for about two hours in the middle of the day. I woke up with memories of the strangest dream that I’ve had in a while, and oddly enough, I remembered quite a bit of the details! I’m going to try to retell it the best I can, and I hope you enjoy!


I am with an older woman. She is not familiar to me, but I follow her. She takes me into a large cafeteria setting and we get some food. She is wearing a long black lace dress and a black pillbox hat with lace. She has short white hair, similar to Halle Berry as Storm in X-Men. She is old, white, and wrinkly, but seems to be nice. She has a warm smile, but something in her eyes just isn’t quite right. I feel uncomfortable. 

While searching for our seats I see two old friends of mine, Cassandra and Stephanie. They are there with their kids and smile when they see me. I put my finger to my lips to tell them not to say anything, all the while glancing at the old woman to make sure she doesn’t see me make that motion. I see Stephanie pull out her cell phone, and I frantically try to wave for them to stop. I run my finger across my neck, then hold out my pinkie and thumb like a phone to my ear, then point to the old woman, and back to my finger across my neck. Cassandra sees this and realizes something must be wrong, but Stephanie has already dialed on her cell phone. The old woman has my phone and sees someone calling. She looks at me very angrily. She asks me why anyone would be calling my cell phone. Cassandra and Stephanie come toward us. Stephanie and the older woman start chatting and I mouth “Help me!” to Cassandra. 

Cassandra’s face shows of understanding when she looks from me to the old woman. She grabs my arm and we start sprinting out of the cafeteria. Stephanie followed us, although I don’t know what she or the old woman were thinking. We keep running and exit the building and go to Stephanie’s house, which is nearby. Her father is home and he is concerned with what’s going on. My friends Bobbie and Jarod are also there, reasons unknown. We all sit together and I explain that the old woman kidnapped me. She’s a witch and has been casting some spell on me, but I have been trying to resist. We hear commotion outside. 

The group splits up throughout the house. I go upstairs. I look out the window and see the old witch in the street. There is a young man in the house next to us looking out the window terrified. I don’t look at him for long because I fear the old witch will hurt him. From another window, I see a ball of what looks like mud that was thrown inside. Then a second. I am standing with Cassandra, Bobbie, and Jarod when we see these balls of mud transform into animals. One turns into a tiger and hurls itself at Bobbie. The second ball turns into a pig. Cassandra runs down the stairs, while Jarod and I run into a nearby room. 

I look out the window again and see the young man, still terrified. This is ridiculous. I think to myself, “I shouldn’t be letting her control me like this.” I muster up all my energy and focus it on peace. I close my eyes and start speaking to the mud animals and to the old witch who is casting spells to stop. It’s almost as if I’m praying, or maybe I’m casting my own spells. I sit on nearby stairs to an attic and see all the mud animals and other spells the old witch has cast spin around the room (Think the end of Jumanji).

The old woman appears in the whirlwind of spells. She tries to tell me she only wanted to be my mother and she’s always loved me. I know she’s lying. She’s not my mother or anyone who cares about me. I stand and face her as I make my final wish for it all to go away and everything disappears out the window. The young man looks shocked, but when he sees my face looking at him, he sighs with relief. 


Okay, so I definitely dramatized this a bit so it wasn’t like a boring dream, but rather a fictional short story. There are probably a few other details I’m forgetting, but the first thing I remember is the cafeteria, and the last thing is in the house looking at that boy.

Does it have any symbolic meaning? Did I eat something weird before I fell asleep? Am I just watching too much Doctor Who?

What do you guys think? 🙂