More Love Letters

I’ve known about the More Love Letters project for quite some time now, but for whatever reason I never wrote a letter. I was either too busy, or too embarrassed, or I didn’t know what to say, or some other excuse. This holiday season they are doing an event called 12 Days of Love Letter Writing and I decided this was my time to jump in.

For starters, if you have never heard of More Love Letters, here’s a snippet from their About section:

The world doesn’t need another website. It doesn’t need another app or a network.

What it needs is really basic. Simple. Bare-boned. And often forgotten in the race to get followers, likes & status.

LOVE. Pure, old-fashioned, never goes out of style Love. Ridiculous, oozing, cannot pack this thang into 140-characters kind of love. Fearless, bold, unstoppable love.

And that’s where we come in… We’re going to tell you that we leave love letters all over the world for others to be blessed by. We’re going to ask you to write letters for Love Letter Bundles for people you’ll probably never meet.  We’re going to invite you to nominate someone you know for a Love Letter Bundle. You are going to think we are a bit crazy. A tad loopy… But let’s be honest,  you’ve been looking for a website that leaks love all this time.

I really like this idea, and I have for a long time. I’m all about sharing love with anyone and everyone, and this is just another way to do it. 

My Day 3 Letter!

My Day 3 Letter!

So they are into Day 3 of their 12 Days of Love Letter Writing and so far I’ve kept up! My goal is to really do this every day for the 12 days, and then keep it up with their monthly letter requests. I may even write notes and leave them in random places for strangers.

It’s a beautiful thing to be able to share love and joy with the world! I would encourage any of you to check out their website and maybe write a letter of your own. There are always people who just need a little encouragement, and it doesn’t hurt to try to share some of your own experiences to encourage them. 

Good day to you all! Spread some joy today!