Writer? Author? Blogger? What!?

I love writing. This is not some new realization I have come to recently. When I was in middle school, I wrote fictional short stories but most of them were quite dreary (I’ll have to pull them out of hiding now that I’m thinking about them). When I was a senior in high school, I enrolled in a Journalism course. I went the first day but changed my schedule to take a Finance course so that I could be with my friends during lunch. I didn’t end up getting to be with my friends at lunch, but I couldn’t change my class schedule again and now I’m a manager of a Credit Union. Basically my hissy fit to be with my friends changed the direction of my life and career choices. I often wonder where I’d be if I stayed in that Journalism class.

But here I am today: 24, married, no kids, a lovely pug, and still enjoying writing. Now I’m taking it in the direction of blogging to see how I fit here. I was never good at coming up with plots so being an author never really fit for me. I dabbled in poetry, but I didn’t really like that much either. I fell in love with Myspace’s little blog section back when Myspace was cool, and also loved Facebook’s Notes before they let statuses be as long as we want. So this seems like it makes sense for me. It’s an easy outlet to write what I want, how I want.

Do people respect blogging? Can it be a career? I guess it’s the modern version of Op-Eds from newspapers, but I don’t even know if people cared about those. It’s a new era, and people want different things. Don’t worry, Mom, I’m not throwing away my good job to become a freelance writer. But it is something I truly enjoy and want to explore.

Any bloggers out there? Authors? Poets? Journalists? I’d love to hear your thoughts about writing in this modern world and any advice you might have for me just figuring this all out.